Enrolment Process

Enrolment process

Choosing the right childcare provider for your family is a big decision. After all, you’re looking for the people, program, and facilities that will nurture your child during their most crucial formative years. Research shows that quality early education has a direct impact on children’s health, wellbeing, education, and career prospects in later life.

Families looking to start now or in the next six weeks are welcome to complete an Enrolment Form. This form includes details relating to your child’s details, medical information, terms and conditions, and helpful information to assist you with starting your child in childcare.

All information supplies by families is kept in accordance with Leading Bees Montessori’s Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and government regulations. Once your Enrolment Kit has been submitted, the Family Care Team will contact you to confirm you child’s enrolment schedule, orientation date, and official start date. Your enrolment is confirmed once you receive a formal Confirmation of Enrolment email.

To enrol you will need

  • Parent/Guardian’s details
  • Child’s details
  • Medical Information
  • Customer Reference Number (CRN) from Centrelink for the parent claiming the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) if applicable
  • Customer Reference Number (CRN) from Centrelink for your child/children
  • Immunisation History Statement from Medicare
  • Birth Certificate
  • Photo of your child

Waiting List

For families looking to start in the future, we recommend joining the Waiting List as early as possible. This provides you with the best opportunity to receive an enrolment position when you are looking to start. To join the Waiting List please contact our Family Care Team or enquire about your chosen location.

We also recommend that families join the Waiting List for our centre to secure a position for your child.

Benefits of Joining the Waiting List

  • Greater certainty surrounding your child’s enrolment position and start date
  • Update your child’s start date and profile as often as you need
  • Connect with Family Care for support throughout the enrolment process
Join Our Montessori

Call To Enrol Your Child
03 90087277
0434 555516


Attend an Orientation Session

All new families are encouraged to attend an orientation session prior to their child’s first day. Sessions typically runs for one to two hours and allow children to explore the Montessori environment, get to know their teachers, and begin making new friends.

Orientations also provide families with the opportunity to talk about their child’s interests, sleep schedule, and how we can best support their learning process. Once you have enrolled, our Family Care Team will contact you to organise an orientation session. Orientations are typically scheduled a few days prior to your child’s expected start date.

Benefits of attending an Orientation:

✅ Prepare your child for their transition to childcare

✅ Begin making friends

✅ Build your child’s confidence in a new setting

✅ Develop positive associations with childcare

✅ Observe how your child interacts with the environment

✅ Connect with your child’s educators and Centre Manager for additional support and settling tips

Orientation Sessions

Orientation sessions provide children and their families with the opportunity to gradually transition to the Montessori environment. Children will participate in the Montessori work cycle and outdoor play so that they become familiar with their new routine, educators, friends, the Montessori materials, and the layout of the centre.

What to Expect at Orientation

Attending an orientation session is an important part of making a successful transition to a Leading Bees childcare centre.

Orientations provide families with an opportunity to support their child during their initial introduction to the Montessori environment.

Sessions typically run for 1-2 hours and provide new children with an introduction to the centre’s facilities, the daily routine, the Montessori learning environment, their classmates, and their educators.

The purpose of the orientation session is to help children transition to their new learning environment and support their sense of belonging as they are welcomed into a new Montessori learning community.

Families stay with their children during the orientation session. You will receive your a checklist of what to bring on your child’s first day, the centre’s direct phone number, and information about how to sign your child in and out.

Benefits of Attending an Orientation Session

✅Familiarise your child with the centre’s facilities, environment, their locker, and where to store their personal belongings

✅ Begin fostering friendships and social interactions with their peers

✅ Introduce children to their educators

✅ Dlow your child to explore the prepared environment

✅ Ontroduce the Montessori materials and how they work

✅ Camiliarise your child with the daily routine so they know what to expect